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Spun Polyester VS Polyester Thread, Which is Better?

The comparison between spun polyester and polyester thread reveals distinctive qualities and applications for each variant.

Do you know what is the difference between spun polyester and polyester thread? which of them is better for you? Polyester is the material that exists in our life here and there, while it has many derivatives, each of them has different features, in this article, you will know it all.


What Is Spun Polyester?


Spun polyester stands as a synthetic textile crafted by the process of spinning standard polyester fibers into yarn. This method yields yarn utilized to produce threads of varying sizes, tailored to suit diverse fabric applications. Distinguished by its unique production method, spun polyester diverges from conventional polyester in certain aspects while sharing similarities in others. This distinct textile variety possesses traits that make it an exceptional fabric choice. Exploring spun polyester's distinct characteristics sheds light on its versatility and highlights why it stands out as a favorable material for various applications.


Spun Polyester VS Polyester Thread


What Is Polyester Thread?


Polyester thread, particularly in the realm of embroidery, has swiftly emerged as the preferred alternative to rayon. Renowned for its exceptional sheen and remarkable durability, polyester has gained popularity owing to its capacity to withstand washing and even bleach exposure without compromising its quality. The abundance of polyester embroidery threads available on embroidery and sewing platforms reflects its widespread adoption. Among the variety of options, the Robison-Anton Super Brite Polyester thread, offered in an extensive palette of approximately 400 colors, exemplifies the excellence and diversity that polyester threads bring to the art of embroidery and sewing.


Spun Polyester VS Polyester Thread


What Is the Difference Between Polyester and Spun Polyester Thread?


The primary disparity between spun polyester and filament polyester thread lies in their composition and resulting characteristics. Filament polyester comprises long, unbroken strands, rendering it exceptionally robust and resilient, ideal for high-wear items like aprons. Nevertheless, its stiffer texture, reminiscent of a synthetic feel, might not suit everyone's preferences. Conversely, spun polyester derives from shorter polyester fibers twisted together, imparting a softer texture preferred by many due to its enhanced comfort. Despite its softer feel akin to cotton, spun polyester falls short in strength compared to filament polyester and may exhibit less durability over multiple wash cycles. Notably, spun polyester, achieved through agitation and chemical processes, possesses absorbent qualities, a softer touch, and a longevity in wear-life. In practical applications, such as in apparel on various websites, spun polyester is commonly utilized, offering a balance between durability and a more comfortable feel, while filament polyester is favored for its robustness in items like aprons and napery, where a blend of filament and spun poly in differing directions can provide both strength and a comfortable "hand."


Filament Polyester

Spun Polyester


Long, continuous strands of polyester fibers

Shorter polyester fibers twisted together


Exceptionally strong and durable

Not as strong as filament polyester


Stiff and synthetic texture, may not be comfortable for all

Softer feel, often resembling cotton without the lint


Less comfortable due to stiffness

More comfortable due to softer texture and enhanced absorbency


High durability, suitable for items subjected to wear and tear

May not hold up as well to repeated washings

Manufacturing Process

Extruded through a head similar to a shower head

Softened through agitation and chemistry

Common Applications

Used in aprons, napery, and items requiring high durability

Frequently found in apparel due to its comfort properties

Usage Blends

Sometimes used alongside spun poly for combined strength

Blended in napery to offer both strength and a comfortable feel




The comparison between spun polyester and polyester thread reveals distinctive qualities and applications for each variant. While filament polyester boasts exceptional strength and durability, suited for high-wear items like aprons, spun polyester offers a softer, more comfortable texture akin to cotton, albeit with slightly less resilience over multiple wash cycles. The choice between these threads depends on the specific needs of the application: filament polyester excels in durability, while spun polyester finds favor in apparel for its comfort. Understanding their differences enables a nuanced selection, allowing users to leverage the strengths of each thread type in various fabric projects, ensuring both durability and comfort as desired.

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